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How do you evaluate coaching?


One thing I love about the OLCC program is that students are assigned their own coaches on their journey to become coaches. It's very meta.

When I met with my coach, I was blown away by how she was able to look at my Hogan assessment results and tell me exactly what strengths I have that lend themselves to coaching and areas for growth and opportunity.

I learned that I have a strong inner critic and very high standards for myself. A lot of the time I like to receive feedback for my evaluation of my performance.

Coaching is a field where you do not get feedback about your performance. After all, it is about the client, not the coach. I am learning that there is very little room for performance goal orientation in coaching and that the moment I start to worry about how I am performing is the moment I start failing my client.

All of this to say, how I am going to evaluate myself as a coach in a way that does not interfere with my focus on my clients, and in a way that I can believe the evaluation in the absence of feedback?

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