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We, humans, are governed by "mental models", or frameworks that we use to make sense of the world around us. They are underlying patterns of perceptions, thoughts, rules, assumptions, and emotions that guide our behaviors and actions. Here is a worksheet you can use to break down how your thoughts drive your actions and create new patterns that better serve you.

"Humble Inquiry" is a concept that I use to build relationships with my clients. Click here to learn more about "Humble Inquiry" and my guiding principles as a coach.

We rarely ever experience an event and make decisions based on objective observable data. Instead we start with only select data, then we add our stories, assumptions, meanings, and conclusions before we make distorted decisions. Learn more about the "Ladder of Inference" and how to jump off it with these exercises.

Have you ever tried to change and found it impossible no matter how hard you try?

We all have hidden commitments that are sneakily working against our goals making us immune to change. Here is a tool you can use to surface those commitments and get past them.

Do you have a loud voice in your head that convinces you that you do not have what it takes to try something new or achieve your goals? 

I know I do. Here is a tool that I use whenever I start to feel paralyzed by my own overthinking. 

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